************************************************ * Version History * ************************************************ 1.2: Mar 15, 1994 • Removed extra update event in msg dialog. • The System Folder can now be protected. • Dialog windows can now be dragged. • Guest Default mode for screen saver. • Status window icon now shows "off" mode. • Fixed popup menu shadow corruption. • Status window is in color and titled. • Fixed folder watch process switching bug. • Folders are checked every 30 seconds. • Reminder package. • Enter key now closes dialogs. • Popup menus handle long titles better. • Better error handling and reporting. • Scrolling lists use smaller font. • Screen saver serial port monitor flag. This should be off if using ARA in auto-answer mode. • Fixed memory bug with Bouncing Bug SS. • MSG and RMDR buttons on status window. 1.1: Dec 26, 1993 • Screen saver doesn't improperly invoke as often - it detects mouse movements better. • Auto shutdown once flag. • Settings are saved immediately after user makes changes. • Prefs dialog has a Cancel button. • Msg To Front option. • All popup menus are white except special. • No more warnings given if user cancels a selection from  ages special menu. • Screen saver timer status window option. • Detects printer/modem activity and prevents screen saver activation. 1.0: Dec 05, 1993 • Initial Release. 1.0ß1:Feb 21, 1993 • Created. ************************************************